Food Apps Blog - 2022

How a restaurant business can survive this difficult phase of coronavirus?

We all know how the restaurant industry suffers in this difficult time of coronavirus all over the world. It’s a pandemic period to survive which makes a huge dip on all over the business world. Bigger chains like Mcdonals, Subway, Pizzahut may survive from this crisis but small restaurant businesses will suffer huge losses or even shut down. 

The National Restaurant Association figured this week that the whole industry would lose $225 billion in the coming three months and shed five to seven million employees.

Yes, News is distressing. But Keep calm and think reversely to make your present situation bulletproof from this situation by following a few suggestions as following: 

  1. Keep calm & don’t stop marketing your business on social media & digital platforms because eventually your customers are there and they are listening words of their favorite restaurant businesses. 
  2. Post information about the measures you are taking to maintain hygiene at your workplace. How you sensitize your place, workers, packaging, etc. 
  3. Start your own food ordering system either on your website or mobile apps. Still, your regular customer feels the pain of your existing situation and they want to contribute to this situation as they like to support their favorite eating place.
  4. Revise your Take Away & Delivery food menu, So that they will be pack quickly and easy to carry by your customers.  
  5. Make takeaway delivery spots around your restaurant, it might be your parking area, restaurant front or any place where you can easily place the packet and your customer can pick orders without human touch. 
  6. Web-based Food ordering system or Food ordering mobile app for the restaurant is a must in this tough time. It should have pay via card system so that there will be no possibility to touch cash by multiple peoples. Even pay via card at your outlet can be a transmission media for viruses presently. 
  7. Offer gift cards, So those want to support your operations can purchase gift cards in advance which ease your cash flow condition slightly. 
  8. Post beautiful pics of your operations, dishes, the updated menu on social media especially Facebook, Instagram. Which attracts your customers to place orders.
  9. Register yourself on all third party food delivery platforms, yes they charge you around 25-30% commission but if you don’t have your own food ordering media then you should register on these food aggregators.
  10. Start marketing your Restaurant services & updated info via emails, Text Marketing, Push notifications on the mobile app, etc. Find out the list of all your customers through POS and start mass marketing your information to your customers.
ALSO READ :   Why Website is extremely necessary for the restaurant business?

These are the few suggestions on How a restaurant can survive in this period of crisis.

If you want to set up your Food ordering website or White Label Food Ordering App for Restaurant for Pickup and Delivery, We can set up the same within 72 hours straight.


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