Food Apps Blog - 2022

Market Your Restaurant Business During The Corona crisis

There is ample information floating around about coronavirus. The ways to identify its symptoms, how to avoid it getting spread further, practice social distancing, regular hand wash and sanitization, and much more. These are all personal concerns but outside that there are professional concerns also mainly for small restaurant business owners who are trying to reduce the financial impact of Covid-19 on their business during this tough time. 

Restaurant business owners are having a few questions in their mind:

  1. Can I market my business during this outbreak?
  2. How can I market my business in this downtime?
  3. I should restrict further spending on marketing as we are closed now.

The answer is yes and the ways to market your business in this pandemic attack have a look at the content below. 

What marketing strategies you can use now? 

You can use the following digital marketing strategies for marketing your restaurant business and stay in the business competition even in this horrible situation following the guidelines issued by the Government:

  1. Social Media Marketing: As coronavirus outbreak and lockdown in the nation everyone is staying at home from the employees working from home, kids taking online classes, people shopping online; so the current situation is that people are spending more time being online much more. People are trying to be at home as much as possible and so they are likely to stick on social media most of the time. This is an opportunity for business owners to reach their target audience through social media channels because people are using social media to look for updates and trying to stay connected with each other in the lockdown situation. 
  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): As already discussed above, at this time people are online as they are staying in their home instead of going outside. It is seen that search traffic has increased considerably and will continue to be growing due to lockdown because of coronavirus. Everyone is glued to their computers, mobile devices for passing their time or getting updates within their community. For most, it is time to shop online as they can’t go outside. Businesses must use search engine optimization techniques to top the Google search engine result pages so that you can be found easily because this is the time you have a greater reach to your target audience.  
  1. E-mail Marketing: E-mail marketing can be a good way to connect with your audience or clients because in business you can’t afford to stop staying in touch with your clients or stop building relationships with your prospective customers. If you are in business-to-businesses, you can utilize this time to develop your existing leads by way of e-mail newsletters. If you are in business-to-consumer, you must understand that consumers buy those brands whom they trust. So for the endurance of your business for the long-term, establishing the brand-consumer trust is inevitable for now and after we get away safely from Covid-19.  E-mail marketing is a great way to do that from every perspective. 
  1. Social and Google Advertising: When uncertain situations arise like natural calamities, wars, and the coronavirus outbreak as now business people want to put a full stop on all advertising efforts because they think that what is the use of investing in advertising when people are not actively purchasing. But this thinking is absolutely wrong because it is essential to understand that all customers must have not stopped spending money at all, some who have started spending less will also resume as soon as the situation turns to normal. The consumer still wants to see and hear so advertising on social media and Google is a good choice as it will keep your brand relevant to your target audience so that when they want to purchase a certain product or service in which you are dealing with they will buy from you, not from your competitor.   
  2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: It is a good opportunity for business people to use PPC marketing to associate with their customers during this time when most people are at home glued to their mobile and computer screens. Also, it’s a great opportunity to save costs within your budget for digital marketing. Cost per click has decreased in all verticals since the last week and is expected to decrease further, reducing the cost an advertiser has to pay for every ad click. 
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How to Execute these Marketing Efforts in Corona Outbreak

  1. Show Some Empathy: The whole world is taking precautions to be safe from coronavirus infection so as a brand you have to maintain a certain level of sensitivity in your messages. Showing some empathy will help gain you respect about your brand which in turn will provide you a competitive edge and help you stay ahead in the competition.  
  2. Use of Relevant Hashtags: The best way to reach on social media is by making use of relevant hashtags as social media usage is at its peak nowadays. Using hashtags like #SocialDistancing, #StopTheSpread, #StayHomeStaySafe, etc. are good to use in coronavirus pandemic attack. Using these hashtags extends your reach and at the same time portrays your brand as a brand that is updated with the modern customer. 
  1. Keep your Customers Informed: In this critical time you must find ways to connect with your customers like never before. Like the restaurants who were dependent on the in-store traffic to earn money are closing their dining halls and are providing delivery options. This helps them present themselves in public as a responsible business that is taking precautions as well as providing services also. Let your customers know that you are practicing hygiene and sanitation strictly. This also lets your customers know that you are doing your part and you are there to help them in this critical pandemic situation of Covid-19. 
  2. Provide Customers Opportunities for a Special Offer: During this uncertain time period, you can show support to your customers by providing them some special offers and discounts that will keep your revenue flowing because most of the people are at home browsing web searching for discounts and offers to save money during the pandemic attack of coronavirus. This is a great means to keep your customers engaged with you. 
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Benefits of Continuing Marketing Efforts 

  1. Putting your continuous efforts will keep you ahead of your competitors. 
  2. You can learn more about your customer base. 
  3. You can build relationships with prospective consumers by nurturing the leads.
  4. Letting know your customers that you are open will keep your business revenue flowing. 
  5. After the situation resumes to normal you don’t need to start from scratch with your marketing efforts.


1 Comment

  • Great blog. During this outbreak, social media is the right platform to market your restaurant business. You should also have your restaurant app where you can provide food recipes to your audience and afterwards even go for online delivery or table booking, which will give a boost to your business.

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