Food Apps Blog - 2022

How to drive sales of Restaurant business during & after COVID 19 crisis

Restaurant business during corona crisis

As you all are already aware the Restaurant Industry gets a big dent in this present situation of the COVID 19 crisis. As per industry experts, it will take a longer time to back to routine everything soon. Social distancing and contactless habits will become normal soon for a couple of years now until the concrete vaccine of this disease corona COVID 19 will reach globally.

How a restaurant business can drive sales during as well as after COVID 19 crisis?

As a business owner now you have to think about digital adaptation as an additional revenue generation business along with your routine food services. It is not a time to just think about it whether you want to go with it or not, it becomes a necessity now.

Let see how a restaurant business owner thrives through this difficult time by changing its way of doing business.

  • Get Ready for Digital Adaption: Yes, digital adaption becomes a necessity and primary thing you need to seriously think about. Revamp or get your new website for your restaurant business. Update your website with the latest food menu, information about the new processes you follow for sanitizing your premises and the latest offers to get your customers back.
  • Start your own branded restaurant mobile apps: As it becomes normal to follow food delivery or curbside pickup, owning your own food ordering restaurant mobile app is essential to thriving your business engagement with your customers. Yes, you listed on third-party aggregator business but the commission you are paying to them is not future sustainable. If you really want to earn profit from food delivery and pick-up orders then a restaurant food delivery mobile app is pure essential for your business.

    Nowadays, it is not much expensive to get your own restaurant food delivery app. Many digital mobile app development solution companies provide the ready food ordering mobile app which has many features and cost-effective to get into the market quickly.
  • Refresh your all Social media profiles: Facebook & Instagram is best for restaurant business nowadays. Refresh your profiles and start posting the latest information about your business on the profiles as a daily update either you are open or close in this downtime period. Engage your customers, followers & fans on social profiles. Offer mouth-watering deals and discounts.
  • Employee safety & sanitization: Make new norms of safety & sanitization in your premises. Ranging from procurement of raw material to final delivery of the order. Employees can play an important role in this, Make every arrangement of daily or hourly sanitization of the premises.
  • Innovate new ways of doing business: Contactless food serving, Innovate new ways to serve your customers with contactless food servings either in restaurant premises, pick-up orders, or food delivery at home. Contactless payments, less use of cash payments.
  • Revamp your food menu: Analyse and check your food offerings in the food menu. Make a separate food menu for the pick-up & delivery food orders. Sometimes some items can be served dine-in servings only and not possible to pack and deliver them. So, find those items and make your new food menu. If you have a mobile app then you don’t need to print a new food menu’s just update your digital food menu and publish it to your mobile app.
  • Digital Food Menu: Stop using traditional style paper-based food menu, because it can be a tool to spread the virus content where it goes into multiple hands. Get installed a Digitial Food Menu solution in your restaurant or food outlet. It can be on a big screen, digital kiosks, apps, tablets, iPads, etc.
  • Reduce your overheads: Innovate your business operations in such a way that it will reduce your business overheads so that you can pass this corona crisis and it increases your profits & cash flow to pay monthly bills.
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